CAD/CAM Machining for CNC Precision Machined Components and Assemblies
We use state of the art CAD solid modeling programs like Solid Edge, GibbsCAM to insure precision machining accuracy from design to manufacture.
With superior core modeling and process workflows, a unique focus on the needs of specific industries, and fully integrated design management, Solid Edge guides projects toward an error free, accurate design solution. 3D modeling and assembly tools enable our engineering team to develop state of the art processing in a full range of products, from single part to assemblies containing thousands of components.
Our Engineers Can Help You:
- Meet Customer Needs
- Reduce Costs
- Increase Productivity
What our CAD/CAM team can do for you:
- Fast and Flexible Modeling
- Innovate faster with our interactive design environment
- Iterate designs with speed and flexibility
- Harness the power of 3D with the simplicity of 2D
- Scalable Design and Failure Analysis
- Utilize simulation to increase product quality which reduces product failure and costly recalls
- Design optimization to ensure that designs are as efficient as they can be by minimizing material and weight, but overall simulation promotes design innovation to produce objective results
- Smart Models
- Product Manufacturing Information (PMI) is stored within our 3D models and assemblies. These “smart” models reduce the need for drawings in design reviews and can be used for many downstream purposes, including manufacturing.The inclusion of 3D product definition in a single digital file improves productivity, ensures the 3D information is accurate and in sync and removes the need to keep multiple documents up to date.