2011 started with a BANG for Witco Inc. as we invested over $500,000 into new CNC equipment. For several months, Witco has been bringing on new employees (12 in the last 12 months) and even added a second shift to aid in our capacity and throughput.

The employees of Witco & Drive-All were excited to participate in this year’s national event, Bring Your Child to Work Day, as they entertained 27 of their children (ages 3 to 17) and 10 adult guests (Moms, Dads, & Grandparents).
After weeks of planning, this year’s event featured 14 tour stops, including; a robotics demonstration by the Witco sponsored Capac High School Robotics Team 2604 – Metal & Soul, a Fire Safety Demonstration by the Brockway Fire Department, goody bags for every child, and a barbeque lunch for everyone. Children and guests were also able to watch Witco’s new Doosan 5-axis machine an aluminum aerospace component, observe a complex part being inspected by our Zeiss Prismo Super Accurate CMM, retrieve candy bars from the Autocrib tool dispensing machine, and participate in several other key areas of the companies.
A terrific time was had by all. The children will treasure the interacting fun they had with the employees while they explored the latest in Innovative Machining Solutions, and of course the time they spent with their parent at Bring Your Child to Work Day at Witco & Drive-All.