Witco Inc. is ITAR Registered.
Download ITAR Registration Letter [1]
Witco Inc. is AS9100 and ISO 9001:2015 certified. You can be confident that we will meet your needs and expectations and comply with applicable regulations.
We partnered with Smithers Quality Assessments, www.smithersregistrar.com [2], an accredited quality and environmental management systems certification body, to achieve our certification.
Download ISO 9001:2015 certification [3]
Download AS9100 certification [4]
Our ISO 9001:2015 Certification benefits include:
- Our top management is committed to quality
- That Witco is customer focused
- We have adequacy of its resources
- Employee competence
- Process management is in place for; production, service, delivery and administrative support)
- Quality planning
- Product design
- Review our incoming orders
- Purchasing
- We monitor and measure all of our processes and products
- Proper calibration of measuring equipment
- Processes to resolve customer complaints
- Corrective/preventive actions and a requirement for continual improvement of QMS.
- We monitor customer perceptions about the quality of our products and services.
You can have confidence when working with Witco. We have met the following ISO 9001:2015 criteria:
- Witco’s declaration of conformity: A declaration by Witco affirming that our QMS meets ISO 9001:2015 requirements, and is supported by legally-binding signatures. This declaration is based on our internal audit system and on a second party audit.
- Second party assessment: Witco has been assessed directly by our customers to be sure our QMS meets ISO 9001:2015 requirements and your own requirements.
- Third party assessment: (Often referred to as certification or registration): Witco hired an impartial third party (a certification body, or “registrar”) to conduct an assessment to verify conformity to ISO 9001:2015 requirements. This third party then issued a certificate to us describing the scope of our QMS, and confirming that we conform to ISO 9001:2015.
- Additional confidence may be derived from the fact that some certification bodies (“registrars”) are accredited by nationally or internationally recognized accreditation bodies, who verify the certification body’s independence and competence to carry out the certification process. Many accreditation bodies have multi-lateral arrangements under the umbrella of the IAF (International Accreditation Forum) to promote worldwide mutual recognitions in support of WTO (World Trade Organization) free trade principles.